Pedigree Dog Park
Bring the family and the dog’s to Burlingame’s Dog Park!
Is this a fun club? Ask the dogs.
Burlingame Dog Park
“Anybody who doesn’t know what soap tastes like never washed a dog.”
– Lee Iacocca
Dogs on golf carts, dogs on leashes, dogs hoping out of the back of SUV’s…converge daily around 4pm to cool off and stretch the legs. A place that has no rivals on the plateau for pooches. 3 acres of fenced meadows fronting on the Horse pasture river, create an off-leash social paradise for man and his best friend.
Your Private Adventure Starts Here
Purposefully built in a mountain forest for family and friends, Burlingame presents an amenity offering with something for everyone. All celebrating, and paying homage to the beauty of nature, a respect for the land, and a strong sense of stewardship for future generations.